Like just stop the tbatf crew is terrible a comic I once thought was good turned out to be a racist and homophobic comic the creators are terrible here are some stuff they have did: They forced a minor to go kill themselves on there birthday. They call haters “deedheads” which is so disrespectful to Edd. They also reference propaganda posters for defeating nazis (I do not defend nazis they suck) in the comic and compare tord to hitler tord is never as bad as hitler he didn’t kill innocent people In fact from what I have read the worst thing he has done is wiped cola out of the United Kingdom I get that his army wears ww1 German helmets but that was just a reference edd made in moving targets since he was probably getting taught World War One in class! There is much more stuff I could say in this but this is getting way to long.
da fuck did i just read